Sofia Castelo, Miguel Amado, Filipa Ferreira and Melissa Sivara (2024), Digital Tools in Climate Adaptation Governance in Malaysia, Chapter 12 in The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainable Digitalization for Business, Industry, and Society, Editors: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-031-58794-8,
Poggi, F. and Amado, M. (2024). The spatial dimension of energy consumption in cities. Energy Policy, vol. 187, 2024, 114023, Elsevier
Abdon Dantas & Miguel Amado, (2023), Refugee Camp: A Literature Review, Journal of Urban Planning and DevelopmentVolume 149, Issue 4
de Moraes, C.S.B. et al. (2023). Feasibility, Applicability and Incentives in Using Sustainable Materials: Comparative Between Brazil and Portugal. In: Semião, J.F.L.C., Sousa, N.M.S., da Cruz, R.M.S., Prates, G.N.D. (eds) INCREaSE 2023. INCREaSE 2023. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, Cham.
Castelo, S., Amado, M., Ferreira, F. (2023) Challenges and Opportunities in the Use of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Adaptation, Sustainability 2023, 15, 7243.
António Pedro Delgado, Daniela Alves, Zélia Santos, Isabel Craveiro, Miguel Amado & Luzia Gonçalves, (2022), Chapter - Os (des)laços entre investigação e desenvolvimento de políticas em saúde urbana – a experiência do projeto UPHI-STAT na Cidade da Praia, Cabo Verde, in Linha Editorial Internacional de Apoio aos Sistemas de Saúde – LEIASS, Brasília, Brasil, Book Chapter in Saúde, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente : ensaios preliminares, Editor(s): Eronildo Felisberto, Fernando Passos Cupertino de Barros, Zulmira Hartz, Brasília - Brasil, Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde, LEIAS, 238p. v.10, ISBN: 978-65-88631-29-4.
Alves, Daniela, António Pedro Delgado, Miguel Amado, Isabel Craveiro, Zélia Santos, Alexander Goggins, Carolina Gasparinho, Artur Correia, and Luzia Gonçalves. (2022) Recreation and Alcohol Consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa: Addressing Gender and Age Differences in Urban Areas—Praia, Cabo Verde, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 18: 11175.
Amado, M., Poggi, F., (2022) Sustainable Energy Transition for Cities, 1st Edition, Publisher: Science, Technology and Society, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128242773
Abdon Dantas, David Banh, Philip Heywood and Miguel Amado (2021), Decoding Emergency Settlement through Quantitative Analysis, Sustainability 2021, 13(24) Sustainability (Switzerland), 13586.
Amado, Miguel, and Evelina Rodrigues, (2021), Sustainable Tourism Planning: A Strategy for Oecusse-Ambeno, East Timor, Urban Science 5, no. 4: 73, ISSN: 2413-8851.
Boulahia, M., Djiar, K. A., Amado, M., (2021), Combined Engineering-Statistical Method for Assessing Solar Photovoltaic Potential on Residential Rooftops: Case of Laghouat in Central, Energies 2021, 12(16), 6548;
https://doi: 10.3390/en1139913
Talento, K., Amado, M., Kullbert, J., (2020), The reuse of waste heaps from extraction sites: An architectural methodology, Sustainability 2020, 12(16), 6548; https://doi: 10.3390/su12166548
Talento, K., Amado, M., Kullbert, J., (2020), Quarries: From Abandoned to Renewed Places, Land 2020, 9(5), 136.
Poggi, F., Firmino, A, Amado, M., (2020) Shaping energy transition at municipal scale: A net-zero energy scenario-based approach, Land Use Policy, LUP_2019_706
Amado, M.; Rodrigues, E.; Poggi, F.; Pinheiro, M.D.; Amado, A.R.; José, H. (2020) Using Different Levels of Information in Planning Green Infrastructure in Luanda, Angola. Sustainability 2020, 12, 3162. doi: 10.3390/su12083162
Amado, M., Rodrigues, E., (2019) A Heritage-Based Method to Urban Regeneration in Developing Countries: The Case Study of Luanda, Sustainability 11 (15) 4105. doi: 10.3390/su11154105
Feria, M., Amado, M., (2019), Architectural Design: Sustainability in the Decision-Making Process, Buildings 9 (5), 135. doi: 10.3390/buildings9050135
Talento, K., Amado, M., Kullberg, (2019), Landscape: A Review with a European Perspective, Land 8 (6), 85. doi: 10.3390/land8060085
Talento, K., Amado, M., Kullberg, (2019), Eco-friendly reuse of marble wastes in landscape and architecture, in Sustainable City 2020, Edited by: S. Mambretti and J. L. Miralles i Garcia, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol238, 665-677, WIT Press. doi: 10.2495/SC190571
Amado, M., (2019), How to Transform Today's City, Book Publisher: Caleidoscópio - Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA, Casal de Cambra - Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-658-594-5
Amado, M. and Araújo, V.C. (2019) Rethink Almada, Portugal - Architecture Final Design Studio II, IST UL, Editora Caleidoscópio_Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA, Casal de Cambra, ISBN: 978-989-658-623-2
Amado, M. and Araújo, V.C. (2019) Rethink Mindelo, Cabo Verde - Architecture Final Design Studio I and II, IST UL, Editora Caleidoscópio_Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA, Casal de Cambra, ISBN: 978-989-658-622-5
Amado, M., Poggi, F., Amado, A, R., Breu, S., (2018), E-City Web Platform: A Tool for Energy Efficiency at Urban Level, Energies 11 (7), 1857. doi: 10.3390/en11071857
Amado, M., Poggi, F., Martins, A., Vieira, N., Amado, A. R., (2018) Transforming Cape Vert Informal Settlements, Sustainability 10 (7), 2571. doi: 10.3390/su10072571
Poggi, F., Firmino, A. & Amado, M., (2018) Planning renewable energy in rural areas: Impacts on occupation and land use, Energy 155, 630-640. doi: 10.1016/
Amado, Miguel, (2018) Wall-Up: Method for the regeneration of settlements and housing in the Developing Countries, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018. Volume 41, 08-2018, Pages 22-34, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2018.05.024
Poggi, F., Firmino, A. & Amado, M., (2018) Clusters municipais de bioenergia: um contributo para a prevenção de incêndios florestais, Finisterra, 53;108, p.39-52, doi: 10.18055/finis13717
Amado, A.R., Amado, M., Silva, F.N., Heitor, T.H., Cambra, P., Rodrigues, E.M., Ramalhete, I., Freitas, J. Silva, A., Fernandes, L. B., Lopes, R., Pinto, R. S., Miranda, S., (2018) Planning Without Baseline Information: Delimitation of Urban and Rural Settlements in Oé-Cusse Ambeno, Timor-Leste, Journal of Urban Planning and Development 144 (3), 05018016, doi: 10.1061/(asce)up.1943-
Alves, D., Santos, Z., Amado, M., Craveiro, I., Delgado, A.D., Correia, A., (2018), Low potassium and high sodium intakes: a double health threat to Cape Verdeans, BMC public health 18 (1), 995 doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5911-x
Amado, M.; Poggi, F.; Amado, A.R.; Breu, S. (2017): A cellular approach to net-zero energy cities, Energies, V. 10, n.º 11, art. 1826, November 2017. doi:10.3390/en10111826
Francesca Poggi, Ana Firmino, Miguel Amado (2017) Assessing energy performances: A step toward energy efficiency at the municipal level, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 33, August 2017, Pages 57-69 doi:10.1016/j.scs.2017.05.014
Miguel P. Amado, Inês Ramalhete, António Ribeiro Amado, João C. Freitas, (2017) Inclusive housing program: The case of Oé-Cusse region in East Timor, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 74-88 doi:10.1016/j.foar.2016.12.001
Francesca Poggi, Ana Firmino, Miguel Amado (2017) SMART RURAL: a model for planning net-zero energy balance at municipal level, Energy Procedia, Volume 122, September 2017, Pages 56-61 doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.287
Ana Cruz Lopes, João Farinha, Miguel Amado (2017) Sustainability through Art, Energy Procedia, Volume 119, July 2017, Pages 752-766 doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.102
Miguel Amado, Ramalhete, I., Freitas, J.C., Amado, A., Silva, A.A. (2017): Towards the sustainable city: A model to transform the informal into forma", WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, V. 6, n.º 1, pp. 74-88, March 2017 doi:10.1016/j.foar.2016.12.001
Nuno Vieira, Miguel Amado, Fernando Pinho (2017) Prefabricated solution to modular construction in Cape Verde. AIP Conferences Proceedings, 2017. Volume 1814, Issue 1, March 2017.
Miguel Amado, Ines Ramalhete, (2017) Methodology for a sustainable urban regeneration: urban cell as dissemination unit, Conference, “WSBE17 Hong Kong – Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Action, Proceedings published by the Construction Industry Council and Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited in Hong Kong on May 2017, Hong Kong, ISBN 978-988-77943-0-1
Amado, Miguel; Poggi, Francesca; Amado, António Ribeiro (2016) Energy efficient city: A model for urban planning. Sustainable Cities and Society. ISSN 2210-6707. 26:(2016) 476–485. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2016.04.011.
Amado, Miguel P., Ramalhete, I., Amado, Antonio R., Freitas, J.C. (2016) Regeneration of informal areas: An integrated approach, Cities, Volume 58, October 2016, Pages 59–69, Elsevier B.V., doi:10.1016/j.cities.2016.05.015
Miguel P. Amado, Ines Ramalhete (2016) Modular Eco-Wall to African Rehousing Programs, in Advances in Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Architectural, Structural and Constructional Engineering, DONG-A University, Busan. South Korea, 21-23 August of 2015, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK, ISBN: 978-1.138-02849-4, doi: 10.1201/b19961-49.
Isabel Craveiro, Daniela Alves, Miguel Amado, Zélia Santos, Argentina Tomar Fortes, António Pedro Delgado, Artur Correia and Luzia Gonçalves (2016) Determinants, Health Problems, and Food Insecurity in Urban Areas of the Largest City in Cape Verde Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 1155; doi:10.3390/ijerph13111155
Poggi, Francesca; Firmino, Ana; Amado, Miguel. Reforço da eficiência energética à escala do município. Um processo em evolução. 1º Simpósio Lusófono, 31 de Maio 2016, Lisboa, Cidades para Nós – Envolver comunidades e cidadãos no desenvolvimento sustentável, 134-135. ISBN 978-972-636-256-2
Sara Ortins, Jorge Patricio, Miguel Amado (2016). A qualidade Acústica em Oen-Space, EuroRegio Journal, Volume 2016, Issue June, Pages 1-10, Publisher AAE/SPA/SEA
Miguel P. Amado, Ana Amorim Silva, (2016) Implementation Models for water treatment and sanitation in developing countries, proceedings of CINCOS´16 - Inovação na Construção Sustentável, Lisboa, November 2016
Gonçalves, L., Z. Santos, Miguel Amado, I. Craveiro, J. Cabral, Lapão L.V., A. P. Delgado, A. Correia, D. Alves, and R. Simões.(2015) Urban Planning and Health Inequities: looking in a small-scale in a City of Cape Verde." PLOSone. 23/11/2015.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142955 (2015).
Ramalhete, Inês, Miguel P. Amado, and Hugo Farias (2015) Criteria Framework for the Conception of an Adaptive Housing Model for Sub-Saharan Region." CONFERENCE: HOUSING – A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE Architecture_MPS. Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool: Liverpool University, 2015.
Amado, Miguel P., A. Reaes Pinto, Ana M. Oliveira, and I. Ramalhete "Construção Sustentável - conceito e prática". Casal de Cambra, Lisboa: Editora Caleidoscópio_Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA, Casal de Cambra, ISBN: 978-989-658-324-8, 2015.
Vera-Cruz, R., and Miguel P. Amado (2015) Construction of a sustainable island city: The case of Cape Verde." Energy Procedia. 1.57 : 277-284.
ISSN 1876-6102,
Poggi, Francesca, Ana Firmino, and Miguel Amado (2015) Energy supply-storage models for Rural Net-Zero Communities – An integrated approach. Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency. Madrid, Spain: BrownWalker Press, 2015.
Poggi, Francesca, Ana Firmino, and Miguel Amado (2015) Moving Forward on Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Smart Rural Model." European Journal of Sustainable Development. 4.2 : 43-50 - DOI:10.14207/ejsd.2015.v4n2p43.
Amado, Miguel, and Inês Ramalhete (2015) Parametric Elements to Modular Social Housing." Architecture_MPS: A JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE_MEDIA_POLITICS_SOCIETY. (2015): 1-16.
Amado, Miguel, and Francesca Poggi (2015) Planning PV power plants in sub-Saharan African countries. The case of Fogo Island – Cabo Verde." Materials and Technologies for Energy Efficiency. Ed. A. Méndez-Vilas. London: BrownWalker Press ISBN-10: 1-62734-559-0, 2015. 53-50.
Cavique,Miguel, João Flores, Miguel Amado, António Gonçalves-Coelho, and António Mourão (2015) A preliminary check of the refurbishing large office buildings to a zero energy condition." CIRP. 1.34: 193-198.
D. Alves, Z. Santos, M. Amado, R. Simões, I. Craveiro, J. Cabral, L. Lapão, A.Delgado, A. Correia, L. Gonçalves (2015) Self-perception of salt consumption and its intake among adults living in three urban units in Praia, Cape-Vert, Published in 2015/5/1 in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Volume 22 Pag.S112
R. Simões, Z. Santos, D. Alves, M. Amado, I. Craveiro, J. Cabral, L. Lapão, A. Delgado, A. Correia, L. Gonçalves (2015) Hypertension and lifestyle in three urban units in Praia, Cape-Vert, Published in 2015/5/1 in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Volume 22 Pag.S31
Amado, M. P., F. Pinho, P. Faria, and I. Ramalhete (2014) Eco-wall modular solutions for buildings." 9th International Masonry Conference. Guimaraes - ISBN: 978-972-8692-87-2: ICM; Universidade do Minho, 2014.
Poggi, F., and M. P. Amado (2014) Conceito de região funcional no contexto energético do território - espaço de cooperação rural - urbano." PLURIS 2014. FCG - Lisboa, PT: FA UL, 2014.
Martins, R., and M. P. Amado (2014) Efficiency and energetic performance on the rehabilitation of residential buildings." 40th IAHS World Congress in Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction. 21 - ISBN: 978-989-98949-0-7. Funchal, Madeira - PT: IteCons - Universidade de Coimbra, 2014.
Alcafache, A. O., and M. P. Amado (2014) Sustainable construction: Water efficiency in housing sector." 40th IAHS World Congress in Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction. 235 - ISBN: 978-989-98949-0-7. Funchal, Madeira - PT: IteCons - Universidade de Coimbra, 2014.
Schedel, J., and M. P. Amado (2014) Urban Regeneration: More Energy, Less Carbon." 40th IAHS World Congress in Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction. 49, ISBN: 978-989-98949-0-7. Funchal, Madeira - PT: IteCons - Universidade de Coimbra, 2014.
Neves, S. O., P. Rodrigues, and M. P. Amado (2014) Contribution of the social sciences in the transformation of informal communities." 40th IAHS World Congress in Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction. 21 - ISBN: 978-989-98949-0-7. Funchal, Madeira - PT: IteCons - Universidade de Coimbra, 2014.
Ramalhete, I., M. P. Amado, and H. Farias (2014) Low Cost Adaptive Housing Model." 40th IAHS World Congress in Housing – Sustainable Housing Construction.54, ISBN: 978-989-98949-0-7. Funchal, Madeira - PT: IteCons - Universidade de Coimbra, 2014.
Neves, S. O., and M. P. Amado (2014) Incremental Housing as a method to the Sustainable Habitat ." 30th International PLEA . Vol. II - 1-8. Bangalore, India: Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy (CARBSE), CEPT University, 2014.
Amado, Miguel P., Francesca. Poggi, and António R. Amado Oeiras E- Modelo de Cidade Energeticamente Eficiente. Lisboa ISBN: 978-989-6582-69-2: Editora Caleidoscópio_Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA, 2014.
Moura, E. R., Miguel P. Amado, and João C. Freitas (2014) The Public Participation in Urban Planning – Portuguese Small Town Case." Urban Planning: Practices, Challenges and Benefits. New York ISBN: 978-1-63117-691-3: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, , 2014. Book Chapter 9.
Amado, M. P., and F. Poogi (2014) Solar Energy Integration in Urban Planning: GUUD model ." Energy Procidea. 50.1876-6102 (14)00770-X (2014): 277-284.
Amado, M. P., and P. Poggi (2014) Solar urban planning: a parametric approach." Energy Procedia. 48.1876-6102 (2014): 1539-1548.
Amado, M. P., T. Lopes, and I. Ramalhete (2013) Eco-wall: modular solution for low-cost houses. CISBAT 13. Lausanne, CH: the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, ISBN: 978-2-8399-1280-8 , 2013.2013
Amado, M. P., F. Poggi, and A. Amado (2013) Report: Project Oeiras E-CITY . CAPARICA: GEOTPU FCT UNL, CMO, 2013.
Freitas, J. C., and M. P. Amado (2013) Crowdfunding in Urban Planning: Opportunities and Obstacles. At Home in The Housing Market: RC43 Conference Amsterdam, NL: Centre of Urban Studies. Nederland ISBN: 978-907-886-206-2.
Ramalhete, I., and M. P. Amado (2013) Designing model house based on the Cradle-to-Cradle methodology. SB13 PORTUGAL. Guimaraes, PT: ISSBE, Universidade Minho, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7,
Amado, M. P., A. Amado, and F. Poggi (2013) Efficiency Based Model for Solar Urban Planning." , International Journal of Civil, Architectural Science and Engineering. 7.12 (2013): 1307-1318.
Lopes, T., and M. P. Amado (2013) Modular solution for the construction of sustainable housing at reduced costs. 2º CIHEL 2013. Lisboa, PT: LNEC, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Amado, M. P., and F. Poggi Planning for solar smart cities (2013) CISBAT 13. Lausanne, CH: the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne ISBN: 978-2-8399-1280-8, 2013.
Amado, Miguel, P., H. Almeida, M. R. Ribeiro, and A. Gameiro (2013) Regeneration of the city through the rehabilitation process of built heritage. 2º Congresso Internacional da habitação no Espaço Lusófono. Lisboa, PT: LNEC, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Poggi, F., and M. P. Amado (2013) Solar Energy: factor during the planning process of the city. 2º CIHEL 2013 . Lisboa, PT: LNEC, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Amado, M. P., and F. Poggi (2013) Solar urban planning to the EU 20-20-20 targets. SB13 PORTUGAL. Guimaraes: ISSBE, Universidade Minho, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Geraldes, I., and M. P. Amado (2013) Sustainability of the construction of social housing with recourse to LSF. 2º CIHEL 2013 . Lisboa, PT: LNEC, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Sousa, P., and M. P. Amado (2013) Sustainable Construction - Contributions to a Certification System Lusophone. 2º CIHEL 2013 . Lisboa, PT: LNEC, ISBN: 978-178-032-381-7, 2013.
Amado, M. P., L. Vanessa, and M. R. Ribeiro (2013) Sustainable Construction: Value of Certification. The International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering . Zurich, CH: ACSEE, ISBN: 978-981-07-7965-8, doi:10.3850/ 978-981-07-7965-8_83 , 2013.
Amado, Miguel P., and L. Barroso (2013) SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION: WATER USE IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN PORTUGAL." International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2180-3242. 4.2 (2013): 14-22.
Amado, Miguel, P., J. C. Freitas, E. M. Rodrigues, and M. R. Ribeiro (2013) Walkability as a Strategy towards Inclusive Communities: Case of a Portuguese Small Town." International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2011.05.002 . 7.8 (2013): 1136-1145.
Amado, M. P. (2012) Arquitetura Sustentável e a Valia da Certificação da Construção, 2ª Conferência de Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono. Caparica: FCT UNL - MAMAOT CV, 2012.
Amado, M. P., and F. Poggi (2012)Towards Solar Urban Planning: a new step for better energy performance Energy Procedia .30 (2012): 1261-1273.towards_solar_urban_planning.pdf
Ganhão, A. M., and M. P. Amado (2012) Eficiência Energética em Edifícios." 2ª Conferência de Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono. Caparica: FCT UNL - MAMAOT CV, 2012.
Lopes, T. C., and M. P. Amado (2012) Prefabricação Aplicada ao Contexto da Reabilitação de Edifícios." 2ª Conferência de Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono. Caparica: FCT UNL - MAMAOT CV, 2012.
Poggi, F., and M. P. Amado (2012) Sustentabilidade em Edifícios de Habitação: Um novo Sistema de Certificação." 2ª Conferência de Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono. Caparica: FCT UNL - MAMAOT CV, 2012.
Lucas, Vanessa, and Miguel P. Amado (2012) Vantages of Certification of Sustainable Construction. BSA 2012 – 1st International Conference on Building Sustainability Assessment. Porto, PT: Green Lines Institute, 2012.
Lopes, T. C., and M. P. Amado (2012) Parede Eco-Estrutural: Solução Modular para a Construção de Habitação a Custos Reduzidos."4º Congresso Nacional da Construção 2012. Coimbra: IteCons, 2012. pre_design_final.pdf
Amado, M. P. (2012) Vantagens no Ensino da Construção Sustentável." 4º Congresso Nacional da Construção 2012. Coimbra: IteCons, 2012. Ensino_da_construcao_sustentavel.pdf
Lopes, T. C., M. P. Amado, and F. Poggi (2012) Construção Sustentável – Etapa de Pré-Conceção." 4º Congresso Nacional da Construção 2012. Coimbra: IteCons, 2012. pre_design_final.pdf
Lucas, V., and M. P. Amado (2012) Evaluation and Certification of the Sustainable Construction." 4º Congresso Nacional da Construção 2012. Coimbra: IteCons, 2012. vanessa_lucas_-_evaluation_and_certification_of_the_sustainable_construction.pdf
Zacarias, N., and M. P. Amado (2012) Procedimentos para a requalificação do património edificado existentes – Caso de estudo." 4º Congresso Nacional da Construção 2012. Coimbra: IteCons, 2012. resumo_congresso_da_construcao_2012.pdf
Sousa, P., and M. P. Amado (2012) Construção Sustentável: Contributo para a Construção de Sistema de Certificação. Congresso Inovação na Construção Sustentável 2012. Aveiro: Edições Plataforma para Construção Sustentável, Aveiro ISBN: 978-989-95978-2-2, 2012.artigo_pedro_sousa_cincos_v2.pdf
Lucas, V., and M. P. Amado (2012) Construção Sustentável: Sistema de Avaliação e Certificação. Congresso Inovação na Construção Sustentável 2012. Aveiro: Edições Plataforma para Construção Sustentável, Aveiro ISBN: 978-989-95978-2-2, 2012.cincos_2012.pdf
Sabarigo, J., and M. P. Amado (2012) Contributo para a eficiência energética na reabilitação de edifícios. Congresso Inovação na Construção Sustentável 2012. Aveiro: Edições Plataforma para Construção Sustentável, Aveiro ISBN: 978-989-95978-2-2, 2012.joao_sabarigo_artigo_cincos_12.pdf
Ganhao, Antonio M., and Miguel P. Amado (2012) Sustainable Construction: Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings. BSA 2012 – 1st International Conference on Building Sustainability Assessment. Porto, PT: Green Lines Institute, 2012.sustainable_construction_-_energy_efficiency_in_residential_buildings_bsa_2012.pdf
Amado, M., Montalvão D., Santana P., & Lopes T. (2012) Sustainability assessment – An applied sustainability method energy supply in informal settlements. IAIA 2012. , 1 June, Porto: International Association of Impact Asssessment
GEOTPU (2012) ECO - Evaluation and Certification System. 12., Lisbon: FCT-UNLsistema-eco.pdf
Amado, M. P., T. Lopes, E. R. Moura, J. C. Freitas, and M. R. Ribeiro (2011) Avaliação da Sustentabilidade do PDM. 6º CLEM 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, 2011.
Lucas, V., and M. P. Amado (2011) Avaliação da Construção Sustentável. iiSBE. Lisboa, Portugal: iiSBE - UM, 2011.
Farias, P., and M. P. Amado (2011) Construção Sustentável - Processo de Ateração de Uso em Edifícios. iiSBE. Lisboa, Portugal: iiSBE - UM, 2011.
Gomes, M., and M. P. Amado (2011) Construção Sustentável – Contributo da Utilização da Parede de Trombe. 6º CLEM 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, 2011.
Dinis, R., and M. P. Amado (2011) Contributos para a Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios. 6º CLEM 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, 2011.
Amado, M. P., T. Lopes, and J. C. Freitas (2011) Green Building Process. World Congress of Sustainable Building. Helsinki, Finland: SB11, 2011.
Amado, M. P., J. C. Freitas, and T. Lopes (2011) Indicators to measure sustainability in urban development. World Congress of Sustainable Building. Helsinki, Finland: SB11, 2011.
Carrapiço, I., and M. P. Amado (2011) Indoor Environmental Quality – Casas de Santo António, Barreiro. CISBAT 2011. Lausanne, Switzerland: EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011.
Costa, M., and M. P. Amado (2011) Novos Produtos para a Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios. 6º CLEM 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, 2011.
Amado, M. P., and F. Poggi (2011) Oeiras Masterplan: A Methodology to Approach Urban Design to Sustainable Development. CISBAT 2011.
Lausanne, Switzerland: EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011.
Faria, P., M. P. Amado, and F. Cartaxo (2011) Produção Local de Materiais de Construção para a Sustentabilidade da Construção. 6º CLEM 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, 2011.
Lopes, T., and M. P. Amado (2011) Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios de Habitação. 6º CLME 2011. Maputo, Moçambique: INEGI, ISBN: 978-972-8826-19-2, 2011.
Dinis, R., and M. P. Amado (2011) Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios de Habitação. iiSBe. Lisboa, Portugal: iiSBE - UM, 2011.
Amado, M. P., and M. R. Ribeiro (2011) Urban Sprawl promoted through Master Planning. World Congress of Sustainable Building. Helsinki, Finland: SB11, 2011.
Silva, V., & Amado M. (2010) Study for Sustainable Traffic Strategy in Local Government Perspective: A Contribution Towards a Strategy for Mobility. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 2010, 142: 445-457.
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Amado, M., Silva V., Santos C., & Moura E. (2010) Public Participation In Sustainable Urban Planning. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences. 5(2), public_participation_in_sustainable_urban_planning.pdf