"Plano intermunicipal de ordenamento do território" in the island of Santiago
DEC 11-18, 2023
As part of the PIMOT project with the municipalities of Praia, Ribeira Grande de Santiago and São Domingos, five members of the GEOTPU.LAB team participated in a mission during the second week of December.
The plan of activities included several talks and formal meetings with the Mayors and Councillors to discuss the main issues and the potential of each municipality, as well as pointing out possible strategies and visions for the future of each territory and the three municipalities as a whole.
The visits to the field were key to the understanding of the population's and the land-use problems and the potential of each municipality. Particularly noteworthy were the great expansion of the urban fabric of the city of Praia over the last 20 years, the potential for mountain and rural tourism in the municipality of São Domingos and the important cultural memory and identity of the municipality of Ribeira Grande de Santiago.
Santiago, Cabo Verde
DEZ 2023

Estudantes de Arquitectura contribuem em Plano Intermunicipal do Ordenamento do Território na ilha de Santiago em Cabo Verde
No âmbito de uma oportunidade proporcionada pelos municípios de Praia, Ribeira Grande de Santiago e São Domingos e o GEOTPU.LAB no IST, quatro estudantes finalistas de Arquitetura irão integrar a equipa que desenvolverá o PIMOT para os três municípios.
Sofia Ferreira, Joana Conceição, Luisa Lisboa e Teresa Padrão desenvolvem o seus estudos e investigação no IST. Na sua integração no GEOTPU.LAB - Planning, Urbanism, Architecture and Environment, encontraram um estilo inovador de formação e aprendizagem que reforça a integração em equipas internacionais e a participação em projetos muito diversos em países em desenvolvimento. O grupo leva-os até à Ilha de Santiago em Cabo Verde para colaborar no local em mais um dos projetos em que o GEOTPU.LAB está a investigar. As quatro estudantes nesta missão irão participar nas atividades de definição da Visão e construção da estratégia complementada pela realização de trabalhos de campo. A este grupo de estudantes juntar-se-ão estudantes da Universidade de Cabo Verde com vista à preparação conjunta do curso de verão interdisciplinar e de descoberta cultural.
Green Regeneration of Urbanized waterfronts (GRUW) - GreeNexUs
MAR 22, 2023

Main field: Urban Planning
Improve public health and safety, through green regeneration of coastal areas and riverfronts/delta regions challenged by rising sea levels and flooding.
Deadline for applications: June 4th, 2023
Expected starting date: December 1st, 2023
Full job description here:
Integração em equipa de cooperação (Timor Leste, Oé-Cusse Ambeno)
FEV 15, 2023

NOVEMBER 12, 2022
The World Sustainability Conference 2022 Broadcast Studio
World Sustainability Conference
Life and Development in the 21st Century: Developing Feasible Roadmaps for Sustainable Communities
NOVEMBER 12, 2022

NEW Special Issue
Title: Cities and Buildings as Drivers for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: New Models and Computational
AUG 26, 2022

Title: GReeNexUS - ‘Green-health-safety Nexus for new Urban Spaces’
AUG 22, 2022
The project entitled 'Green-health-safety Nexus for new Urban Spaces' (GreeNexUS) was funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme under the MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Doctoral Networks 2021 grant agreement No.101073437.
The GreeNexUS project proposes a novel and multidisciplinary approach to promote urban greening, territorial regeneration and safety/accessibility/walkability of urban infrastructures, as key strategies to face those challenges, while addressing climate change and preventing pandemics from exacerbating inequalities in disadvantaged/vulnerable groups. The GreeNexUS participants (20 institutions from 9 European countries) are joining forces to offer a collaborative Training-through-Research programme involving universities, research centres, companies, NGOs, and local authorities that share this new vision of fostering greener, healthier and safer urban realms of Europe’s cities and towns. This will drive the GreeNexUS process to train specialists, whose cutting-edge and intersectoral expertise will be developed and managed through a challenging general programme of training that combines and integrates the various fields of innovative knowledge of the GreeNexUS’ participants, and also includes career planning, entrepreneurship and soft skills training. In terms of research, 10 specific and multidisciplinary topics will be addressed by 10 Doctoral Candidates, who are envisaged to spread the GreeNexUS approach beyond the project’s scope and duration, under the guidance of a supervisory group of academic and non-academic experts.
Overall, the project will attract more than 2,6M€ and will generate repercussions, as well as for all other doctoral students and those of other doctorates, also for teachers and researchers, thanks to the collaboration and higher education opportunities that will derive from it.
The project led by the University of Bologna will involve the Instituto Técnico Superior under the Research Coordination of Prof Miguel Amado and Teixeira Duarte Engenharia e Construções SA as an industrial Portuguese research partner.
The other partners are: Wageningen University of Nederlands; Vrije Universiteit Brussel of Belgium; Geoponiko panespistimion Athinion of Grece; Rise Research Institutes of Sweden; Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet- NTU of Norway.

V SIPPEDES 2022 - Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Social
AUG 19, 2022
Sociedade e democracia em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19
03 a 05 de novembro de 2022
(Presencial e Online)
O SIPPEDES - Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Social é um evento interdisciplinar realizado a cada dois anos, sendo promovido pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas (PAPP) e pelo Departamento de Educação, Ciências Sociais e Políticas Públicas (DECSPP), da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da UNESP/ Franca (Brasil).
O V SIPPEDES 2022 será realizado nos dias 03, 04 a 05 de novembro de 2022, na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da UNESP/ Franca (Brasil) no formato presencial e online. Nos meses de Setembro e Outubro que antecedem o Seminário irão ocorrer atividades ligadas a este evento de forma online. O evento conta com palestras, mesas-redondas, apresentação de trabalhos científicos e outras atividades envolvendo pesquisadores, acadêmicos e profissionais nacionais e internacionais de diversas áreas do conhecimento como educação, políticas públicas, direitos humanos, planejamento urbano, diversidade, saúde e meio ambiente.
A seleção de trabalhos científicos para apresentação será realizada mediante envio de resumo, que deverão ser submetidos, por intermédio do sistema do evento, de 13 de Julho a 12 de Setembro de 2022. Os trabalhos aprovados para apresentação poderão ser publicados como trabalho completo nos anais do evento e os melhores trabalhos como capítulo de livro.
Os eixos, ou Grupos de Trabalhos, para inscrição e apresentação de trabalhos científicos são as seguintes:
1- Políticas públicas e gestão educacional
2- Políticas públicas e avaliação educacional
3- Políticas públicas e formação de professores
4- Políticas públicas e educação inclusiva
5- Políticas públicas e relação de trabalho
6- Políticas públicas e saúde
7- Políticas públicas, meio ambiente e sustentabilidade
8- Políticas públicas e direitos humanos
9- Políticas públicas e desenvolvimento econômico e social
10 - Políticas públicas, planejamento urbano e ordenamento do território
11 - Políticas públicas voltadas para a igualdade, diversidade, multiculturalismo, interculturalidade.
Informações sobre o evento, envio de trabalhos e inscrições:
Site do evento:
Comissão Organizadora do V SIPPEDES - 2022
MAY 04, 2022
If climate change is one of this century's most significant concerns and a cross-cutting challenge of the 2030 agenda, energy transition is perhaps the most effective process to mitigate its impacts toward a low-carbon and sustainable society. Nevertheless, fostering such a transition involves profound structural changes in cities, opening new debates around the theoretical and practical implications, especially about the appropriateness of current policy and planning approaches.
Today, the central role of energy in all societies, particularly in supporting advanced economies and social activities, has become a major concern of sustainable urban development. This is for two reasons; first, population growth, economic development, and improved quality of life have caused a constant increase in energy consumption over time; second, fossil fuel-based energy production has resulted in very high costs and acute side effects associated with climate change and the continuous degradation of the environment.
Hence, the urgency of greater efficiency in energy use, especially in urban areas where most people live and work. With such considerations in mind, it is necessary to modify the development models of different societies, reflecting on the knowledge of consumer behaviour and changing the way to plan cities according to more sustainable and innovative energy management. This need for social understanding and urban change is at the heart of sustainable energy transition for cities. The book links theory to practice, offering knowledge and technical contents condensed from literature and experience to disclose the complex relationships between future cities and energy transition to politicians, technicians, researchers, university students and other readers interested in making sustainable future cities.

APRIL 20, 2022
The scope of this Special Issue focuses on the Sustainable Regeneration of urbanized waterfronts in delta river regions, exploring the opportunities of greening adaptative approaches. Sea-level rise is now a critical reality that affects millions of inhabitants worldwide, living in settlements with varying degrees of vulnerability and resilience. Climate change and sea-level rise challenges have moved toward the need for adaptation responses that the International Panel on Climate Change has categorized along with three models: Protect, Accommodate, and Retreat (IPCC, 1990). This means that the elaboration of future scenarios based on sustainable regeneration approaches will be crucial in waterfront planning and management. This process could follow many possible pathways, depending on physical, environmental, social, and economic contexts. The purpose of the Special Issue is to collect theoretical and practical contributions on solutions that promote the incremental retreat, protection, and accommodation of urban settlement, coupled with the promotion of spatial delimitation of buffer zones to implement green waterfront adaptation plans. Following the principle of accommodating sea-level rise and not trying to hold the line, the green regeneration of urbanized waterfronts must be regarded as a short-term intervention that could provide socioeconomic wellbeing, ecological restoration, and public space renewal at present and not just in the future.
This complex task revolves around several topics, including but not limited to the following:
Climate change and sea-level rise uncertainty;
Resilient models for future water cities;
Social and economic analysis of vulnerable communities in the delta river region;
Sustainable adaptative waterfront masterplan;
Planning adaptative green infrastructures;
Landscape and urban design solutions against rising sea levels;
Land-use planning, property rights tenure and compensation mechanisms;
Digitalization tools to support policy making and spatial planning decisions;
Funding for local authorities;
GIS and waterfronts adaptation scenarios;
Cases studies in the delta river region.
Dr. Miguel Amado
Dr. Francesca Poggi
Dr. Evelina Brigite Rodrigues
Guest Editors

This Thursday, 31st of March at 7 pm will take place the second Spring 2022 Técnico - Architecture Conference. Coordinated by Professor of Instutito Superior Técnico Ana Tostões, the conference with the title "Rising Currents: Projects for New York´s Waterfront" counts with the presence of Professor of Art History of Columbia University, Barry Bergdoll.
The session can be assisted online throught the ZOOM platform ->
MARCH 29, 2022

Visit of the Mayor of Municipality of Bissau, Dr. Luís Simao Emchama, to Instituto Superior Técnico and GEOTPU.LAB facilities.
MARCH 23, 2022

Today, Thursday, October 7, at 6 pm we will inaugurate the exhibition "The Tagus Estuary – Visual Reading of Landscape", at the Edifício do Círculo da Arquitetura. This exhibition is intended to make known, disseminate and value the work developed by the ESTEJO initiative. The ESTEJO initiative is a study team created by the Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa with the aim of developing a research project: “Tejo Estuary and its riverside areas – Strategies for its sustainability”.
OCTOBER 07, 2021
OCTOBER 04, 2021
Urban expansion, as a consequence of human activities, is directly related to global energy consumption. Current urban planning is not a process that guarantees efficient cities. In this context, this goal becomes essential for achieving the sustainable development of the territory and human activities. For an efficient urban planning, the development of knowledge and methodologies for the sustainability of the built environment is essential. In this aspect, a multidisciplinary approach that integrates principles of sustainability and environmental parameters, as well as sociocultural and economic aspects in spatial planning, urban design and architectural projects, is essential.
Professor Miguel Amado is the invited for this lecture at 10h (Brasília time).
Link for the lecture:

JULY 07, 2021
The Seminar “O papel dos arquitetos urbanistas nas margens urbanas”, is organized by the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidade Agostinho Neto (DA/FE/UAN), in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (FAUL), under the Africa Habitat Project (AH). From habitat sustainability to housing quality on the urban margins of Luanda and Maputo.
Live broadcast through the channels of the Projeto África Habitat - AH:
Opening session link:

JUNE 14, 2021
The online event will take place on the 22th of June, at 01:00 pm, portuguese time.
Professor Miguel Amado, coordinator of GEOTPU.LAB, will be one of the speakers at the event.

JUNE 14, 2021
The Biennale of Luanda – “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” is a joint initiative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the African Union (AU) and the Government of Angola that participates in the implementation of the "Plan of Action for a Culture of Peace in Africa/Make Peace Happen" adopted in March 2013 in Luanda, Angola, during the Pan-African Forum "Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace." The first edition of the Biennale was held in Luanda in September 2019. The 2nd edition will be held from 4 to 8 October 2021 in Luanda.
The link with the interview with the national coordinator of the Luanda Biennial - Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace in Africa, Sita José:
Bienal de Luanda reafirma compromisso com a paz em África -… - ANGOP
On April 22, Thursday, at 2:00 pm, the exhibition “Rehabilitation Fábrica da Pólvora” will be inaugurated, in the Edifício do Círculo da Arquitetura.
This Exhibition features the works of the finalist students of the Architecture course at Instituto Superior Técnico, on the Rehabilitation of Fábrica da Pólvora, and will be open from 22 April to 22 May.
APRIL 15, 2021

MARCH 26, 2021
'Design and Construction of High-Rise Timber Buildings' is the title of the open-source book, which was created as one of the outputs of Erasmus + Project 'Sustainable High-Rise Buildings Designed and Constructed in Timber' (HiTimber).
‘Design and Construction of High-Rise Timber Buildings’ is written as an introductory text aimed at undergraduate students, researchers, and professionals who work on the physical and visual properties relevant to wooden buildings' design and construction. The text includes a broad environmental debate on wood as a resource and simultaneously building material, with sections on the theoretical and design principles, physical and structural properties, construction and maintenance and several case studies of good practices of high-rise timber buildings. - Miguel Amado, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
The book is authored by HiTimber partner Universities and Institutions and edited by Professor Miguel Amado - the Coordinator of GEOTPU.LAB, Professor Jorge de Brito- President of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-Resources of Instituto Superior Técnico and Arch. Elzbieta Hamadyk-also a member of our research group.
This educational tool is available on the HiTimber website together with scientific publications and other useful materials about the design and construction of high-rise timber buildings. Check it out!

NOVEMBER 19, 2020
On October 24th took place an Youtube online broadcast on Urbanism and Architecture, with the aim of improving the quality of life. The event was disseminated by the Architects National Board of Architects of Angola, with the presence of Arq. Helvécio, Arq. Helder José and Arq. Maria João Teles Grilo. You can watch it again at this link:
Available in portuguese

21-22 November 2019 at Lusíada University
Key notes speachers:
Nikos Salingaros - "How Mathematics meaning in architecture"
Renato Saleri - "Urbanism and Architecture:pattern generation"
António Araújo - "Spherical Perpective methods for immersive architectural sketches"
NOVEMBER 18, 2019

Lisbon Geography Society and Vila do Conde City Municipality jointly promote a commemorative day of the 2019 National Maritime Day under the theme "Water: State of Life on Earth", a plural celebration of the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Magalhães-Elcano circumnavigation journey (1519-1522).
NOVEMBER 10, 2019
On November 1st, the Instituto Superior Técnico student Sofia Grave Ferreira was awarded the prize for the best architectural concept ideia for thr Portuguese Cultural Center - Centro Cultural Português - in Guinea Bissau. The ceremony took place at Portuguese Embassy where the Mr. Ambassador António Alves de Carvalho handed out the prize to the winner.
NOVEMBER 1, 2019

The Biombo Region Development Plan was presented in October 28th to the Biombo Regional Government with the presence of the Governor. In the afternoon the plan was presented at the Ministry of Territorial Administration.
OCTOBER 28, 2019

Special Issue "Design the Future City of Refugees" of Urban Science
JUNE 22, 2019
A Special Issue "Design the Future City of Refugees" of Urban Science (ISSN 2413-8851) has been set up.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2019
More information please see:

Erasmus + HiTimber Workshop
APRIL 1, 2019
Between the 25th of March and the 5th of April the Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa receives students and professors from Estonia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Canada, Poland, Portugal and Lithuania, to participate in the HiTimber workshop “Sustainable high-rise buildings designed and constructed in timber”.
The first week have been intensive, with the lectures about timber products, structural design, acoustic and fire requirements, life cycle analysis and sustainability, given by a team of professors and specialists: Vijoleta Sulciene, Roger Taylor, Miguel Amado, Chris Barlow, Elzbieta Hamadyk, Luís Guerreiro, Martti Kiisa, Niels Erik Hansen and José Silvestre. Part of the space used for presentations was created from cork blocks and we had a pleasure to receive a general Manager of Amorim Isolamentos Carlos Manuel to talk about this valuable product. The architect Nuno Mateus from ARX Portugal showed how does the building in timber look like in practice with the examples of executed projects in Portugal.
The transnational and interdisciplinary groups of students continue to work on their assignments. Until now it has been a successful time. We start a new week with more energy. Five days left for the final presentations. Stay tuned!
Workshop "The Behavioural Pasts and Places"
MARCH 27, 2019
In order to analyze and discuss the consequences of the urban renewal and gentrification processes taking place in the city of Lisbon, a Workshop will be held at the facilities of the Fábrica do Braço de Prata in Lisboa, with a view to the collaborative construction of measures and programs that can minimize negative effects and preserve the built and immaterial heritage.

Rehabilitate, Interpret, use the modern in Mindelo and in Almada
House of Architecture in Oeiras, from March 29 to April 12
MARCH 25, 2019
The Coordination of the Architecture Course of IST and the Municipality of Oeiras invite you to participate in the exhibition of Final Architecture Projects of the final students of the Master in Architecture of the Instituto Superior Técnico developed in the academic year 2017/18.
The architecture projects were grouped in two groups, one with object in the city of Mindelo in Cape Verde and another in the city of Almada in Portugal.
The concept of the exhibition is the geographical line that separates the two groups but simultaneously unites them through a common theme - The modernist architecture of the first half of the twentieth century by two Portuguese architects.
The exhibition space is divided in two to emphasize this idea, creating a large central distribution space from which the visitor can visualize the various projects exposed. In the atrium space there will be a disclosure of introductory elements to each of the pre-existing buildings that were the subject of student intervention.
An identical layout was proposed for all the participating works - two A1 panels, one mock-up and one portfolio to be displayed on a modular support that could be
replicated by the projects.
This exhibition benefits from the quality of the space of the recently created House of Architecture of Oeiras as a reference point for the promotion of the architecture produced in the Greater Lisbon area, in particular, in the present case of an academic context, and of dissemination of the work methodology developed by the finalist students of Instituto Superior Técnico who also had the participation in MEIA - Mindelo International School of Art in Cape Verde.

Academic Internship
MARCH 01, 2019
Meeting between the GEOTPU.LAB team and representative of the Agostinho Neto University of Angola to prepare the protocol for the accomplishment of academic internships of UAN students in the GEOTPU.LAB for academic year of 2019/2020.

MARCH 01, 2019
The GEOTPU.LAB team will participate in the mission from 5 to 10 March 2019 in the presentation of the proposal for the Plan of the Biombo Region, Guinea-Bissau. The team composed by Prof. Miguel Amado, Dr. Evelina Rodrigues and Architect Rita Lemos are part of the entourage of the Oeiras City Hall and the UCCLA - Union of Capital Cities of Portuguese Language.

Academic Internship
FEBRUARY 27, 2019
The student, Giovanna Martinelli of the University of Santa Maria, Brazil, had Academic Internship in Urbanism and Sustainable Architecture at GEOTPU.LAB on February to participate in the Guinea-Bissau project.

DECEMBER 19, 2018
On November 19, the 'We Are Water' Foundation in collaboration with Roca Lisboa Gallery celebrated the 'World Toilet Day' with a roundtable about health and water crisis.
The Professor Miguel Amado was one of the guest speakers in the roundtable.
Here is the video of the event which you can watch.
DECEMBER 05, 2018
Between January 7th and 28th in every monday and thursday at 4pm, the Professors Ana Firmio and Francesca Poggi present a course about Society, Environment and Territory.
Click here for more informations.

'ARQUITETURA' EXHIBITION at 'Palácio do Conde de Penafiel' in Lisbon
NOVEMBER 28, 2018
Next week, the Students from IST exhibit their MSc Architecture final projects. Those who are interested can visit the exhibition in between December 3rd and 7th at 'Palácio do Conde de Penafiel', in Lisbon.
The opening ceremony will be attend by the Minister of Culture of Cape Verde.
'Os Materiais de Construção na Relação da Arquitetura com a Engenharia Civil' EXHIBITION
NOVEMBER 28, 2018
The first edition of this exhibition start in the next week, on December 3rd. The event takes place at Civil Pavilion at Instituto Superior Técnico and includes the presence of the following companies:
These brands will be their to improve the connection between students and construction and architecture companies and promote the direct contact of the students with materials which they going to work with in the future.
In this exhibition will be organized also some workshops and technical sessions to allow the present companies promote their products in detail to the public.
GEOTPU.LAB presented research projects at CERIS Open Day
NOVEMBER 06, 2018
On October 23th and 24th our members Raquel Santos and Elzbieta Hamadyk were at CERIS Open Day, to present two research projects from GEOTPU.LAB in collaboration with CERIS. Raquel presented the 'Biombo, Agir!' project in Guiné-Bissau and Elzbieta presented her PhD research topic, 'Sustainable Guidelines for the Design of High-rise Timber Buildings' linked to the European Union HiTimber Project.

'WORLD TOILET DAY' - Roca Lisboa Gallery
OCTOBER 27, 2018
On November 19, at 6:30 PM, the 'We Are Water' Foundation celebrates the 'World Toilet Day' with a round-table at Roca Lisboa Gallery with the intent to promote a discussion about health and water crisis, based on solutions that nature can offer.
The Professor Miguel Amado is one of the guest speakers in the roundtable 'Saneamento: Soluções que Podemos Encontrar na Natureza'.
If you want to know more about the event click here to see more informations. The entrance is free and you only need to register.
Between October 15 and 26 the Nuclear (Architecture Students Core of Instituto Superior Técnico) presents the VII edition of the Exhibition ‘cincoxcinco’.
This Exhibition happen every year and shows 5 outstanding projects from each year of the architecture course from the Instituto Superior Técnico.
The 2018 edition is entitled ‘Project Process’.
The 5 projects are:
Coruchéus, Alvalade neighbourhood, Lisbon
Estrela Parish, Lisbon
Pedrouços dock, Lisbon
Almada (centre)
Cidade de Mindelo Bay, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde and Almada City
OCTOBER 18, 2018
OCTOBER 11, 2018
This tuesday, October 9, our Architect and Civil Engineer Francesca won the 2nd place in the APREN 2018 award for "Melhor Tese de Doutoramento" with: 'SMART RURAL: Eficiência Energética e Energias Renováveis no Espaço Rural' thesis.
"Breaking down walls for the sustainable energy transition of territories!"

SEPTEMBER 25, 2018
This week happened the presentation session of the E-book 'Rethinking oé-cusse - timor-leste | teaching and research in architecture'. The launch event was attended by the director of the IST Press, Professor Pedro Lourtie; Professor Miguel Amado, Associate of the Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georeferences Department, Professors Nunes da Silva, Vitor Carvalho Araujo and Teresa Heitor and some master's students of Architecture, in the condition of authors of the same projects which appear in this book.