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Adriana Martins - Civil Engineering

Civil Engineer with a Masters degree in City Planning and Transportation Profile at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT NOVA), frequented some specific Construction Curricular Units.

Collaborated with several public entities in Cape Verde and Timor-Leste and was a Researcher at GEOTPU.lab Study Group on Spatial and Urban Planning, also collaborating with Miguel Amado Arquitetos – Technical Office of Management, Architecture and Planning. 


Now, dedicated to a pratical work of supervision of constrution works, continues collaborating with city planning projects.


Ana Bragança -  Landscape Architect 

WhatsApp Image 2021-02-07 at

Ana Inglês -  Architect

Graduated in 2005 with a Professional Master Degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in South Africa
A Public worker technician since 2008

Co - Coordinator the National Technical cabinet for the implementation of the National Housing and Urban Planning Program in Angola from 2008 to 2010.
Director of the Social Housing Program in Luanda from 2011 to 2012
Chief of the National Housing Department from 2014 to 2017
Chief of the National Land Management Department from 2017 to 2019
Co-founder of Lura, a Non-profit organization working on urban data collection, urban-rural social dynamics, urban mobility and social integration especially focused on supporting local authorities in Angola since 2018.

Currently a Doctorate Degree candidate on urban sustainable renewal and urban resilience of African cities at the Superior Technical Institute of the University of Lisbon in Portugal.


Ana João Santos -  Architect


António Gameiro - Architect 


António Ribeiro Amado -  Architect

Degree in Architecture with a specialization in Urban and Territorial Planning by the Technical University of Lisbon in 2012. Founding member of the Portuguese Academic Urbanism and Architecture Magazine.

PhD in Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture of Technical University of Lisbon.

From 2002 to 2007 collaborated with the Architecture Office PROGESTO.

In 2013 won the Archiprix prize, the Academic Merit Award from Caixa Geral de Depositio in Urbanism and Planning and has represented The Faculty of Architecture in the President's Student Medal Awards (2012).

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Clauciana Moraes -  Geographer

Degree and PhD in Environmental Engineering from Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, EESC/ USP, Brasil. Assistant Professor and Researcher at UNESP (IGCE). Lead Researcher of the ACert Research Group - Auditing, Certification and Socio-Environmental Management (CNPq - UNESP / UFSCar) in partnership with other professors and researchers from other universities such as ESALQ / USP, UFSCar, UNICAMP, UNESP, UNIMEP and UFVJM. Researcher in the SIADES group - Environmental Information System for Sustainable Development at the University of São Paulo (USP). She acts as Coordinator of the NuTEC Laboratory - Technological Center for Research and Development and researcher at CEAPLA - Center for Environmental Analysis and Planning (IGCE / UNESP). Teacher-tutor at EJEAmb - Junior Enterprise of Environmental Engineering at IGCE / UNESP. Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Planning and Analysis of Public Policies at UNESP (Franca).


Diana Arouca -  Architect

Master degree in Architecture at Instituto Superior Técnico. Worked for Arx Portugal (2016) and  RRJ Arquitectos (2017-2018).


Graduated from Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa with Master’s Degree in Architecture in 2017 and started the work in GEOTPU.lab in the same year.


Previously obtained Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning at Silesian University of Technology, in Poland in 2015.

Her research works focus on sustainable approach in the architectural design and construction, with emphasis on the use of timber.

Currently undertaking doctoral studies in Civil Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa.

Elzbieta Hamadyk - Architect, MSc (PhD student)


Evelina B. Rodrigues - Environmental Engineer

Degree and PhD in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Participation and collaboration with several public entities, namely in Angola, East Timor, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé e Principe. 

Member of CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability. 

The research areas are the Environmental Sciences including Ecology component, Infrastructure Green as part of the urban and rural planning, Environmental Assessment and Geographic Information Systems. Researcher

Francesca Poggi - Architect and Civil Engineering 


Francesca Poggi graduated from University of Bologna with a combined bachelor and master in Architecture and Construction Engineering in 2010 and started working at GEOTPU.lab in the same year.


She received a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Construction the following year at Nova University of Lisbon. 

PhD in Geography and Territorial Planning at the Nova University of Lisbon and her thesis project focused in two primary areas: planning energy efficiency and renewable energy in rural areas and smart grids.


Her current research work involves the development of solar urban planning practices based on parametric approaches and she has published various articles in this area. She has also worked as urban planning and design consultant on a wide variety of projects in Portugal and Cabo Verde.


Hélder José - Architect 


Kátia Talento - Architect 

Kátia Talento is an architect (Universitá Degli Studi Della Campania, Dipartimento di Architettura “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy) and a PhD student in architecture at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. She holds a Master’s degree in Architecture with a thesis about an architectural and landscape project in the peri-urban area of a town located in the Campania region. She worked in Italian and Portuguese architectural firms, she did a trainee in landscape architecture in Lisbon (Proap_João Nunes) and she participated in an incremental self-build housing workshop (Urban Fablab). 

João Cópio - Architect 


Licia Anibaldi - Architect Student

Student in Building Engineering & Architecture, five-year European Master’s Degree at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.


Current internship in Miguel Amado Arquitectos in Portugal.


Madalena Barriga - Marketing and Advertising

Degree in Marketing and Advertising from the University IADE - Instituto de Artes, Design e Empresa, concluded in 2017.

Worked temporarily in FCT, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade de Lisboa in project management area.

Working with the Geotpu.lab team  since March 2018. 


Miguel Amado - Architect

Miguel Amado is Associate Professor with Habilitation in Architecture at Instituto Superior Tecnico at Universidade de Lisboa where he holds the teaching Design Studio in Master Course of Architecture.


He is member of CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability.  Receiving is PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2004 on the Universidade NOVA of Lisboa.


Previously obtained bachelor in architecture (1989), UNESCO MBA in Urban Centers (1996), Master in Urban Planning and Environment (1997) and Habilitation in Architecture (2015). Miguel Amado was recruited to the Dept. Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources of Instituto Superior Tecnico at

the Universidade de Lisboa in 2016. He is author of three books - Planeamento Urbano Sustentavel (2004), Oeiras E-City (2014), Construção Sustentavel (2015), several books chapters and more than 80 scientific publications. He holds one patent and currently works in international projects in Europe, Africa and Asia continents. He is a member of the Standardization Technical Committees in Thermal buildings (CT 89 and CT151) and Sectoral Commission for Construction (CS / 10) Quality of the National Council for the standardization project. Since 2004 he supervised 7 PhD students, 2 Pos-Doc researchers and more than 85 Master students. He has experience in collaborative research projects regarding architectural design and sustainability.

Research work: Works to the development of knowledge and methodologies for the sustainability of the built environment. His approach is based on the integration of sustainability principles and environmental parameters as well as sociocultural and economic aspects in spatial planning, urban design and architectural projects.


This interdisciplinary approach facilitates novel and dynamic collaboration between architects and engineers at the interface of design and technology. Also have work in housing programs; rehabilitation and regeneration of informal areas in development countries.  His previous work cover sustainable urban planning and energy efficiency in urban planning and architecture Design.

Miguel Ribeiro Amado - Architect


Neide Brunhoso - Architect 

Degree in Architecture and Urbanism by the Agostinho Neto  of Luanda in 2007. 


Worked in the Department of Land Planning, Urban Planning and Environment of the District of Sambizanga, Luanda, Angola between 2009-2015, from that date onwards, became a member of the Municipal Directorate of Urban Planning, Construction, Housing and Cadastro (Direcção Municipal de Gestão Urbanismo Construção, Habitação e Cadastro).

Raquel Santos - Architect 


Graduated in 2018 with a Master's Degree in Architecture at Instituto Superior Técnico with an academic year at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.


In 2017, got an honorable mention in the Site Theater competition of Arkxsite and her constant interest in areas related to urbanism led to the dissertation "Public Space in the Regeneration of the City”.


Since October 2017, has been working at GEOTPU.LAB.


Rita Cardoso de Lemos - Architect 


Rui Vera Cruz - Architect 


Sofia Ornelas Neves - Architect 


Tânia Costa Lopes - Civil Engineering

Master in Civil Engineering (Construction) in 2010 by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. Researcher at GEOTPU since 2010 in the field of Urban Planning and Sustainable Construction having participated in several projects and published and presented several papers in International and National Conferences. Fire Safety specialist for 3rd and 4th degree building.


Abdon Dantas - Civil Engineering

He obtained a first degree in Civil Engineering (1990, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), a Post-grad in Sanitary Engineering (1991, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), a Master degree in Business Administration (2005, Institute Universitaire Kurt Boesch/Université de Lausanne, Switzerland), first degree in Architectural Design (2011, University of Queensland, Australia), a Master degree in Architecture (2013, University of Queensland, Australia) and a Post-grad Diploma in Shelter and Settlement in Emergencies (2016, Oxford Brookes University, UK). Now he is a PhD student at Instituto Superior Técnico.


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